Cardemil C. Antiresorptiivisten aineiden vaikutuksia eri luustokohtien tulehdukseen ja luun regeneroitumiseen - Kokeellisia ja kliinisiä tutkimuksia.
Cardemil C.
Effects of antiresorptive agents on inflammation and bone regeneration in different osseous sites - experimental and clinical studies. | |||
- Väitöstyöhön kuuluvat 4 osaa:
Cardemil C et al.
Zoledronihapon yksittäisen systeemisen annoksen vaikutukset implantaation jälkeiseen luun uudelleenmuokkautumiseen ja tulehdukseen ovarioektomoidussa koe-eläinmallissa.
Julkaistu lehdessä Biomaterials 2013
I. Cardemil C, Omar O, Norlindh B, Larsson Wexell C, Thomsen P. The effects of a systemic single dose of zoledronic acid on post-implantation bone remodelling and inflammation in an ovariectomised rat model. Biomaterials. 2013; 34: 1546-1561.
Osa II.
Cardemil et al.
Strontiumilla vaikutetut kalsiumfosfaatti ja hydroxyapatiittijyväset edistävät erilaisia tulehduksellisia ja luun uudelleenmuokkaantumisvasteita normaalissa ja ovarioektomoidussa koe-eläimessä. Julkaistu vuonna 2013: PLoS One.
II. Cardemil C, Elgali I, Norlindh B, Xia W, Emanuelsson L, Omar O, Thomsen P. Strontium-Doped Calcium Phosphate and Hydroxyapatite Granules Promote Different Inflammatory and Bone Remodelling Responses In Normal and Ovariectomised Rats. PLoS One. 2013; 8: e84932.
Osa III.
Cardemil et al.
Pilootti kohorttitutkimus: Leukaluunäytteitä bifosfonaatilla hoidetuista potilaista. ( Teksti on tarkastusvaiheessa)
III. Cardemil C, Thomsen P, Larsson Wexell C. Jaw bone samples from bisphosphonate-treated patients: a pilot cohort study. Submitted.
Osa IV.
Cardemil et al.
Luun uudelleenmuokaantumisen ja tulehduksen molekulaarisia ja rakenteellisia eroja eri luutyypeissä täysi-ikäisessä OVX- koe-eläinmallissa.( Käsikirjoitusvaiheessa).
IV. Cardemil C, Granéli C, Palmquist A, Windahl SH, Emanuelsson L, Norlindh B, Larsson Wexell C, Omar O, Thomsen P. Molecular and structural differences in bone remodelling and inflammation in different bone types of the mature OVX rat model. In manuscript.
- ABSTRAKTIN suomennosta
- ABSTRACT The biological mechanisms involved in bone regeneration in osteoporotic bone and the effect of antiresorptive drugs in relation to surgically inserted biomaterials are not fully understood. Improved osseointegration of titanium implants but also adverse effects of antiresorptive therapies, such as osteonecrotic jaw have been described in the literature.
ensinnäkin tutkimuksilla saada käsitystä luun regeneroitumista määräävistä biologisista tapahtumista ja implantaatin integroitumisesta sen jälkeen kun on alettu antaa antiresorptiivisia aineita;
toiseksi määrittää luuregeneraation solu-ja molekulaariset mallit implanteissa ja synteettisissä luususbtituuteissa, kun osteoporoottinen tilanne vallitsee;
kolmanneksi määrittää, miten luuston eri kohdat vaikuttuvat.
- The aims of this research project were, firstly, to investigate and to understand the biological events determining bone regeneration and implant integration, after administration of antiresorptive agents; secondly, to determine the cellular and molecular patterns of bone regeneration at implants and synthetic bone substitutes under osteoporotic conditions and, thirdly, to determine how different skeletal sites are affected.
- The present research included a study of jawbone morphology and gene expression in patients treated with systemic bisphosphonates. When compared to controls, higher gene expression levels of IL-1β was observed in bisphosphonate treated patients with osteonecrosis while bisphosphonate treated patients without necrosis showed lower expression levels of caspase 8, an apoptosis marker involved in the immune response.
- In ovariectomised rats, zoledronic acid resulted in site-specific differences in the rate of osseointegration and also of gene expression involved in bone healing and regeneration. Strontium-doped calcium phosphate inserted in the rat femur induced lower expression of osteoclastic markers compared to hydroxyapatite and higher bone formation in the periphery of the defects. Whereas major structural changes were demonstrated in the long bones of the ovariectomised rat, less structural alterations were shown in the mandible. However, ovariectomy resulted in lower expression of genes coding for bone formation and angiogenesis in the mandible.
- In conclusion, the present study shows that the mandible is differently affected by experimentally induced estrogen deficiency than the long bones. Bisphosphonates, administered systemically to estrogen deficient animals, impair osseointegration in the mandible, at least partly related to a downregulation of genes important for the osteogenic process. These observations may have implications for understanding the mechanisms involved in the deranged bone healing observed in the jawbone of bisphosphonate treated patients.
Päivitystä 20.1. 2017
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