
torsdag 19 januari 2017

Rasvaisen dieetin vaikutus luun muodostukseen

Lihavuudessa  lisääntyy luuytimen  rasvaisuus ja tulehduksellisten sytokiinien erittyminen aktivoi RANK/RANKL/OPG systeemin, mikä johtaa lisääntyneeseen luun resorptiooon.
 Tässä  alla olevassa tutkimuksessa on tutkittu  koe-eläimiltä rasvaisen ravinnon merkitystä luun muodostukseen  in utero ajalta ja laktaation jälkeen.  Seurattiin V. lannenikamaa, TNF- alfa ja IL-6 arvot määritettiin seerumista ja TNF-alfa myös luuytimestä.  Koe-eläimen syömä tyydytetty rasva aiheutti  korkeimmat  kolesteroli- ja  TG- pitoisuuksia. Matalin trabekulaarinen luutilavuus, matalin  trabekkelimäärä ja  suurin trabekkeli erkautuminen havaittiin niillä, jotka saivat  korkearasvaista rehua  ja joita imetti  rnormaalirehua saava emo.  Niillä oli myös korkein TNF-alfa- värjäytyminen ytimessä ja TNF- alfapitoisuus seerumissa, mikä viittaisi proinflammatoristen sytokiinien osallistuvan luun aineenvaihduntaan, mahdollisesti stimuloimalla resorptiota, mikä johtaa epäasianmukaiseen trabekulaariseen luun kehitykseen ja V- lumbaalinikaman muovautumiseen.
Acta Histochem. 2016 Sep;118(7):711-721. doi: 10.1016/j.acthis.2016.08.002. Epub 2016 Aug 28.

High-fat diet induced changes in lumbar vertebra of the male rat offsprings.


In obesity, bone marrow adiposity increases and proinflammatory cytokines excretion activates RANK/RANKL/OPG system, which leads to increased bone resorption.
 The aim of this study was to analyze trabecular and cortical bone parameters in animals exposed to the high-fat diet in utero and after lactation. Skeletal organ of interest was the fifth lumbar vertebra, which is not exposed to biomechanical loading in rats. Further aims were to determine TNF-α and IL-6 serum concentrations, and the intensity of the TNF-α immunohistochemical staining in the bone marrow.
 Ten female Sprague Dawley rats, nine weeks old, were randomly divided in two groups and fed either standard laboratory chow or food rich in saturated fatty acids during five weeks, and then mated with genetically similar male subjects.
After birth and lactation male offsprings from both groups were divided in four subgroups depending on the diet they were fed until twenty-two weeks of age.
 The highest cholesterol and triglyceride concentration were found in both groups of offsprings fed with high-fat diet.
The lowest trabecular bone volume, lowest trabecular number and highest trabecular separation were found in offsprings fed with high-fat diet of mothers on standard laboratory chow.
 The same group of offsprings was also characterized by the highest intensity of TNF-α immunostaining in the bone marrow and the highest TNF-α serum concentration, which suggest that this proinflammatory cytokine has interfered with bone metabolism, possibly by stimulation of bone resorption, which led to inadequate trabecular bone development and bone modeling of the fifth lumbar vertebra.


Bone histomorphometry; Lumbar spine; Maternal obesity; Saturated fatty acids; TNF-α

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